
Monday, November 25, 2013


Welcome to our blog!  

I am so excited you are going to join us as we fulfill God's call to serve Him in Ethiopia.  For some of us this is our very first mission trip.  For others it is their first mission trip to Ethiopia.  Together, our team represents a few different states including California, Ohio, and South Carolina.  Despite the fact that about half of our members are teachers, we are a diverse group.  ;)  We each have our own personalities and life experiences.  Most of us are strangers but we are all coming together for one purpose - "to look after the orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27).

So, why "ACTing" and what does "won't you be my love" stand for?  We are a part of America World Adoption Association's (AWAA's) ACT Missions.  As you will see if you click on the link, they reference a song by Mercy Me titled, "Won't You Be My Love".

Won't you be My voice calling
Won't you be My hands healing
Won't you be My feet walking into a broken world
Won't you be My chain-breaker
Won't you be My peacemaker
Won't you be My hope and joy
Won't you be My Love

We have been called and we are ready to serve!  With this blog you will be able to follow us on our journey, so stay tuned!  Please pray for us and feel free to leave comments to encourage us.  My personal prayer is that through this blog we are able to remain transparent so you will see Him and not us, as He works through us.

With a humble heart,